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Can You Give Others Access to Your Account?

At a glance

Sometimes you may need another person, such as a spouse, grandparent, child or financial advisor, to receive certain information about your Invest529 account.

This type of limited account access can be granted to someone by making them an authorized individual on your account.

Authorized individuals can discuss account information with Invest529 by phone or email. They also can create their own unique login credentials to see certain account details online, without having full access to your account.

To add or update authorized individuals for your account, sign into your online account and complete the Account Access Authorization form (Manage My Accounts > Other Transactions).

Once someone is authorized as a user, they can visit to create their own online account.

  1. Go to My Account.
  2. Click Get Started under Create New Web Account.
  3. Select Yes to indicate that they have an Invest529 account.

Each authorized individual should have the following information handy when creating their own online account:

  • Social Security number or taxpayer identification number that matches the number provided on the Account Access Authorization form
  • Account number of one of the accounts for which they are an authorized individual
  • Zip Code that matches the number provided on the Account Access Authorization form