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On Sunday, March 16, is transitioning to You may not be able to access your online account during this time. Be sure to update your bookmarks to the new URL. For more information about Virginia529's transition to Invest529, visit


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Please call Customer Service. Problems signing in or resetting your password cannot be resolved via email. Please visit the Multifactor Authentication page for more information about setting up this security feature.

Contact by phone

Customer service hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST
Phone (Toll-Free): 1-888-567-0540

Toll-Free Fax: 1-866-757-1295

Individuals with hearing or speech disabilities may dial 711 to access Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) from a telephone or TTY.

Peak contact periods* are:
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. EST
All day on Mondays or the day after a holiday
*Please consider calling outside of peak periods to reduce your time on hold. You can also submit your question by email using the form above.

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Contact by email

* = required, see disclaimer below


9001 Arboretum Parkway
North Chesterfield, VA 23236
Google Maps

By mail

Save time and money: submit applications and payments online.

Invest529 Contributions (excluding Tuition Track Portfolio)
P.O. Box 719226
Philadelphia, PA 19171-9226

Tuition Track Portfolio Contributions
P.O. Box 716485
Philadelphia, PA 19171-6485

Prepaid529 Payments
P.O. Box 719232
Philadelphia, PA 19171-9232

Make checks payable to Invest529

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